Bottles of Water for Migrant Workers
Migrants supported with Footwear
Kindness Kits
Oxygen Concentrators
Reusable Faceshields for Police Personnel
Blood Donation Drives
lakh Face Masks

In February 2020, even before the World Health Organisation (WHO) officially confirmed the pandemic, we began mobilising relief efforts to battle the deadly virus. We collaborated with our on-ground partners and began by addressing the immediate needs of migrant labourers and daily wage earners who couldn’t earn a livelihood in the city due to the lockdowns and didn’t have the means to travel back home. We distributed hot meals, grocery kits, safe drinking water and hygiene essentials, and arranged for their homeward journey. These initiatives also supported self-help groups and SMBs, who provided these products and thus were financially empowered.We also rallied our resources to stand by vulnerable communities and our brave frontline workers with vaccination drives, medical support, online education, animal welfare, amongst others. In the hope that the pandemic would not steal the normalcy of their daily routines or impact them as adversely as it could.
Through the collective efforts of several charitable organisations, government bodies, like-minded individuals and our CSR partner, Finolex Industries, we provided 1,18,82,728 hot meals and 46,132 ration kits.
Since our inception, we have campaigned for inclusive and equitable access to food, education, healthcare and basic livelihood needs for all marginalised sections of society and we continued to do so with collaborative efforts to subdue the impact of the pandemic.
For detailed reports on specific initiatives, email us at

The Scope of Our Impact
Our Focus Areas

Relief Efforts in Phase I (February 2020 to November 2020)
In the initial phase of our relief efforts, we dedicated ourselves to actively identifying and supporting marginalised communities. We reached out to them with groceries, hygiene kits and safety kits. We also supported hospitals with food, medical facilities and infrastructure, and organised online sessions for children to continue with their education and therapy sessions for children with Cerebral Palsy.

Relief Efforts in Phase II (March 2021 to August 2021)
The devastating second phase led to a critical shortage of beds and medical equipment in hospitals across the nation. We swiftly collaborated with compassionate organisations and provided ventilators, oxygen concentrators, pulse oximeters and other medical essentials to hospitals across 10 states. We also organised blood donation and vaccination drives and continued our support with hot meals, grocery kits and kindness kits.