Eggs for Patients
Dignity Kits
Frontline Warriors supported
Self-help Groups supported
Corporate Collaborators
States of India

At one moment, the nation was filled with aspirations and ambitions, and in the next moment, the future was filled with gloom and uncertainties. In March 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic caught the country off-guard. We gauged the situation and proactively prepared for the consequences long before the lockdown was imposed.
We started our relief work early in February 2020, even before the World Health Organisation (WHO) had announced the global pandemic, and as it progressed, it soon gave birth to Give with Dignity™ in September 2020. Conceptualised as a rejuvenator of hope and joy, this unique initiative sought to bring back some much-needed cheer during the mid-pandemic festive season of Navaratri, Dussehra and Diwali.
Give with Dignity™ came from the conviction that care and support in times of crisis can help uplift the quality of life for the underprivileged in the same vein as our other Pandemic Support initiatives.In Phase One, we touched the lives of 3.25 lakh individuals from various marginalised and vulnerable sections of society across 24 states. We created over 83,000 dignity and nutritional kits for them that included dry rations for a family of 4 for 3 weeks. Besides basic hygiene essentials and groceries, the kits also included earthen lamps as festive decor and ingredients that could be used to make festive preparations. Ensuring that the families not only stayed home safe, and ate well, but were also able to celebrate their festivals.
Revive to Survive: The impact of this joy extended beyond just the recipients of these Dignity Kits. We offered an opportunity to rejoice to self-help groups and small and medium-sized businesses too, by sourcing every item from them. From dry rations to hygiene kits, PPE gear, masks, gloves, other essentials, cloth bags, sacks for packing and earthen diyas, amongst other requirements. We also supported printing and packaging agencies and courier companies in this initiative. Making the impact circular and manifold. A much-needed boost for small businesses and their collective spirits.
Source Local, Give Local: We gifted all these kits within 15-20 km of the source not only to support local communities but also to minimise the need for transport, which was severely limited during the lockdowns.
For detailed reports on specific initiatives, email us at