Experience Our Journey
The road has been long, rewarding and steep, but we have promises to keep…
Envisioned as a body that works across spectrums to make a real and lasting difference.
Applied for registration in July 1998
Began groundwork assessing potential beneficiaries and partners

The Mukul Madhav Foundation (MMF) was established as an independent charitable trust under the Bombay Charitable Act 1950.
1999-2001: Began working in the health sector in collaboration with KEM Hospital, Pune. We established their Children’s Ward, which included Pune’s first PICU.
2002-2008: Started extensive work in Pune in the fields of healthcare and education by upgrading, updating and uplifting hospitals and schools.
2002: Started supporting individual appeals for healthcare and educational assistance. Over 2,500 students have been supported so far.

Started supporting rural communities with the first few projects in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra. Particularly, conducting health camps in 53 rural schools in Pune, Satara, Ratnagiri and beyond.
In 2010, our dream project, Mukul Madhav Vidyalaya, was established at Golap Village, Ratnagiri District, to provide an English-medium curriculum with urban facilities in rural Maharashtra. Today, over 550 students are enrolled.

MMF obtained the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act Certificate (FCRA), which allowed international funding, enabling us to double our efforts to help the vulnerable lead better lives.
MMF officially became the CSR partner for Finolex Industries, extending our social impact into sectors like sanitation, water conservation, social welfare and more.

Mission Cerebral Palsy started in November 2015 with 313 children in Satara, which soon grew to 536. We then expanded to include Ratnagiri on the request of its CEO with therapies starting in 2 houses at the Finolex Industries Colony. Here, our number of enrolled children grew to over 1,000.


Completed irrigation work to support 3,500 farmers across 350 acres at 5 villages in rural Maharashtra. Supported infrastructural upgrades for Central Agriculture Testing Laboratory at Madha Village in Solapur District that impacts almost 25 per cent of agriculture sector in Maharashtra.
This marks the 25th year of Mukul Madhav Foundation’s social welfare services. Looking back at our journey, and looking ahead at the future, we continue to expand the difference we can make across communities.